can anyone plz help me.i got so many problems with my system...

anytime i just wanna download somethin' it'l stop in the middle.
no installations can be done because every time it givs me error of rpc stub. even if i download any update it'l not complete rather just exits abnormally.

i can not open any link of wrd or document file even ppt file.
i use 2000 office and while downloading service pack i got this error.
------------------Error: The file, C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\sr1patch\{0DC0F122-1B1C-11D4-AED6-00C04F022C53}, has an invalid size.
Beginning download of
Finished downloading
Error: The file, C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\sr1patch\{0DC0F122-1B1C-11D4-AED6-00C04F022C53}, has an invalid size.
Error: The Office 2000 SR-1 Core Update patch is missing or invalid.
Microsoft Office 2000 SR-1 setup ended prematurely because of an error.

plz plz help me . :sad:

the erros occuurred even b4 office installation.even at that time i cud not open any .doc or articles from web.likewise it also gave me errors in istallation of any new software same rpc stub error.and initialization error.

giv me solutions but only worthy ones...plz

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