hi,my mail server is MDaemon v9.6.1 .for some of users the Internal Mail being sent to SPAM folder.

please help me,thanks a lot.

There are too many variable as to why email gets sent to spam folder. Do you have reverse dns and domain keys setup. Even with that I've had servers send spam to yahoo junk.

There are too many variable as to why email gets sent to spam folder. Do you have reverse dns and domain keys setup. Even with that I've had servers send spam to yahoo junk.

thanks for your answer:
no i have not reverse dns and domain keys setup but that is necessary for external mail.why for a few of user ,internal mail being sent to spam folder?

You have to look at the header could be a dns issue. try and telnet see what dns it answers as

dns haven't any problem.the more of users don't have this problem.

If you really want to eliminate all of your spam I would recommend setting up greylisting on your server. Then you can remove your spam-folder and not have that issues anymore. http://serverintellect.com/greylisting

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