helllo sir, am astudent of olabisi onabanjo university i am facing problems on smtp and tcp am facing problem in running my business while still at school .............please refer me to any end solution about this... pleaese i need a lasting solution to this

We need a llot more information than you are providing. As a guess based on what you have said, you can log on to the university network but it won't let you connect via what (Outlook?) to your chosen SMTP mail provider. Sounds like they've got their network fairly locked down or they've blacklisted/firewalled off the URL of your mail provider. Noting you can do about that IMHO apart from some complex tunnelling.

thanks for putting me through, I have an email but I need somebody to help me configure smtp and tcp i have email software like pc pine already but i need to make it work by somebody solving this configuration problem

please what are the complex way i can do to get that or can you help me in configuring my pc pine then i can pay for the service or you know any software you can get for me on that, that will work perfectly and you will do the configuration for me. please I need your respond

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