Hey guys please help, ok this problem started a while ago (2 weeks?)
anyways the problem was I would login but my desktop and task bar would not appear, so i figured out a while later Ctrl + Alt + Delete and then run a programs filer like C:/Documents or something like that my desktop and taskbar would appear so I thought Ok what ever I can live with this....but yesterday I get home from school and try to login and do the same process but instead this time DrWatson Postmoterm poped up like a million times when I tried to open a C: folder, or anything else such as that, I was able to open firefox though (just cant open C: document folders or anything like that) anyways since then i've been using the browse option on run (by task manager) to open everything i need but it's getting really annoying and my internet has slowed down big time, I tried HiJack this and all that stuff but when i download it, it will just not open after I click "run" or "open" nothing happens, I have also tried to run system restore but the problem is it says i have no safe points (what the heck?) anyways thats my story please help me I don't have my Setup CD's neither will any CD i place in run so it wouldn't really help if i did, but yes please help I need my files for school by monday and I cant get them all open with this problem! Thank you for reading

try system resotre
click on new task
and type this c:\windows\system32\restore
and go on from that
restore to an earlier point

try system resotre
click on new task
and type this c:\windows\system32\restore
and go on from that
restore to an earlier point

I tried that, along with CMD: Sfc/ scannow and all the other things I listed :X

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