My computer says that cookies rejected when I try to log in to sites like yahoo and e-bay. I have set all my security settings to the right level and I still cannot access them. What can overide my settings.

Please help me....

I'll assume your using Internet Explorer (IE) since that's the forum you posted in.

Click on Tools at the top, and then Internet Options. Click on the Privacy tab, and near the bottom you should see a box that says Web Sites; click on the Edit button inside that box. Type in the address of the website you wish to allow cookies from (like, and then click the Allow button. After you've entered all the address you want, click OK. You can add more whenever you find a site you wish to allow cookies for. You can also Block certain sites here as well.

I have tried that and it still does not work. no matter what I set for settings it does what it wants.. I am running winxp home with sp2 on internet explorer. It is like something else is controling my security settings and I dont know what, I do not have a firewall or anything like that.

I have tried that and it still does not work. no matter what I set for settings it does what it wants.. I am running winxp home with sp2 on internet explorer. It is like something else is controling my security settings and I dont know what, I do not have a firewall or anything like that.

Not that this helps, but i am having a similar problem and I do have a firewall. I posted a topic on cookies here and got many views but no solutions. I suspect that I'll need to re-install IE. I got around the issue by installing Firefox.

go in tools, after in quigk preferences f 12 and you tick an enable cookies and that is all!

go in tools, after in quigk preferences f 12 and you tick an enable cookies and that is all!

Do you realize you replied to a 4 1/2 year old thread.
Don't you noob's read

My computer says that cookies rejected when I try to log in to sites like yahoo and e-bay. I have set all my security settings to the right level and I still cannot access them. What can overide my settings.

Please help me....

What browser do you use?

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