I am using a laptop t41 with xp. My mouse keeps drifting to the left side of the screen. This is a major annoyance. It appears to be happening randomly, but alot.

Any help would be appreciated.

There is dirt inside the mouse, fooling the ball motion sensors inside.

By the way, I hope it is the cursor that is moving to the left side of the screen, and not the mouse itself. If the mouse is moving by itself, it's time to get an exterminator - or a big hammer.

Does this apply if it is a track point device? I incorrectly said it is mouse.

"Listen to what I am thinking, not to what I said"

Does this apply if it is a track point device? I incorrectly said it is mouse.

"Listen to what I am thinking, not to what I said"

This is common with the Thinkpad track point. I've had 3 different models that all did it eventually. Make sure you've got the latest drivers and you can try adjusting the sensitivity in the trackpoint control panel. I've learned to like the 'touchpad' on my t41 and Santa got me a mini USB optical mouse that beats both hands down!

Those are sometimes affected by the flicker of room lights.

I believe this is a glitch in the winxp SP2, or so i've been told. I also experience the same thing using an optical and ball mouse. I've tried doing some reading about this and many people have been experiencing this very same problem.

I've not had that happen on any SP2 system here, either with mouse ot with touchpad.

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