Does anyone have a program that logs Windows Messenger Service, in which I mean that both ways sending and recieving? This is only for one computer on the LAN.

I did a google search and found this link for you:

However, I couldn't find anywhere where it could be downloaded :(

Thinking aloud here but shouldn't there be an option in it somewhere to keep logs of the conversations? Or have you tried a right click on the name of the person and looked to see if you get an option somewhere along the lines of "View Log"?

Just thoughts and as I don't use it or have it installed I dont actually know if these will work.

Thanks dani, but the messenger i mean is the one that pops up with a dialog message.... net send [username] [message] in a cmd prompt. sometimes i press space, since i might be working on something and it closes, and i have to ask for a resend. also its nice convo somedays over net send to pass time.

theres no real way to log it >.> it was never intended for use as an instant messenger

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