I have a Dell laptop with Windows XP, SP2. After using
Internet Explorer for a while, the computer freezes up. Control/Alt/Delete does not clear it and the only thing that works is to unplug the power and disconnect and reconnect the battery. It happened twice within a couple hours.

I have run the anti-virus (Kaspersky) but there were no viruses or problems detected.

Any suggestions on how to get it to stop freezing up?


What version of IE do you have?

Try the new IE (IE8), which you can download from here.

Good Luck,


When you press Cntrl+ALT+DEL, click on the processes tab on the
top of Task Manager and see what is the percentage of CPU Usage.

Do you get any error messege when your Computer freezes?

Did you update your Internet Explorer application before this problem started to take place?

I downloaded IE8 and I am having the same problem. The computer freezes and CTRL/ALT/DELETE doesn't even work. I have to unplug the power and disconnect/reconnect the battery and then startup the computer again.

I have run Registry Mechanic, Kaspersky Antivirus & Defrag, but nothing works.

Any other suggestions?

What version of IE do you have?

Try the new IE (IE8), which you can download from here.

Good Luck,


I was keeping IE7 up to date.

I downloaded IE8 and I am having the same problem. The computer freezes and CTRL/ALT/DELETE doesn't even work. I have to unplug the power and disconnect/reconnect the battery and then startup the computer again.

I have run Registry Mechanic, Kaspersky Antivirus & Defrag, but nothing works.

When the computer freezes, I got the standard message that IE has encountered a problem and must close, and asks if I want to send a report to Microsoft.

Any other suggestions?

When you press Cntrl+ALT+DEL, click on the processes tab on the
top of Task Manager and see what is the percentage of CPU Usage.

Do you get any error messege when your Computer freezes?

Did you update your Internet Explorer application before this problem started to take place?

What happens when you run local applications without having IE open. Does your machine still freeze. Run big apps or play a game and post a reply after doing so. Run the test over a long period.

It might be network packets thats causing this delay.
Do that and send a reply.

I saw another posting in the forum where someone else had the same problem, and someone replying to the posting suggested running Winsocks Fix. I tried that and so far, the computer has not frozen up. If it does it again, I will try your suggestion.



What happens when you run local applications without having IE open. Does your machine still freeze. Run big apps or play a game and post a reply after doing so. Run the test over a long period.

It might be network packets thats causing this delay.
Do that and send a reply.

Ok cool keep in touch.

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