Hi all need some help please.

I'm now having difficulty saving certain files displayed on websites such as gif files or jpgs when I right-click and "save target as" which is blanked out. This wasn't the case before and wondered why I'm getting this?

Please help. Thanks.

On the Tools menu in Internet Explorer, choose Internet Options > Content. You have the Content Advisor turned on and you need to go into the Settings section and disable it. 'Save Target As..' will not work if the Content Advisor is enabled.

I'm in there now but the settings option is blanked out. Next to is Enabled where everything is at 0 and ratings system is RSACi. What should I do?


I'm afraid I don't know. That exhausted the only solution to your problem I was able to locate. Does it work if you right-click on an image and choose 'Save picture as.....'?

Yes that option is available. They usually save as bmp images which is annoying.

It's strange as "save target as" appears when pictures display in the google images search engine. But on a website, no joy. What I'm trying to do is save a gif smilie to be used on a website I'm creating. This is the address http://www.cheesebuerger.de/smilie.php (I hope you don't mind me displaying it) If you pick any smilie and right-click do you get the "save target as" option? If you don't then maybe they've disabled that option from their side (if that can be done).

If they only save as bitmap files, look on the 'General' tab in Internet Options and use the 'Delete Files' button to clear out your temporary internet files. They'll save as normal after that, although you may need to close down and restart IE before they do.

I did that but still "save target as" is blanked out. I just don't understand it :( Are you able to save the smilies with "save target as"?

They're an image. Use 'Save picture as'

If you save them as a picture they don't animate, that's why I need to save them as a gif. Try it yourself and you'll the smilies don't move. But are you able to right-click and "save target as?"


I use Firefox instead of Internet Explorer. NEVER have problems like you describe.

Ok I'll download that and see what happens as I'm using IE.

If they only save as bitmap files, look on the 'General' tab in Internet Options and use the 'Delete Files' button to clear out your temporary internet files. They'll save as normal after that, although you may need to close down and restart IE before they do.

just want ot add you can set IE to delete temp internet file when you close IE ,so that way they don't build up .may slow down browsing to regulary used sites but if you have high speed internet that wouldn't be a problem . anyway do this in tools internet optiona ,advanced ,scroll down to security .and check it off to delete temp internet files when !!

Will bear that in mind, thanks.

I've now resolved the problem due to switching to Firefox. So thanks for all the advice and help.

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