For some reason or other I am not getting updates from Microsoft on Win XP Pro. My Automatic Updates is set to notify me but don't automatically download or install. I've had nothing the past 32 months.

Anyone have an ideas.

Also I have not yet installed SP3. Is this safe and OK to install now or are there still some problems.

Thank you


Sorry, That should have read 2 months not 32 months.


search MS site you can download the latest SP pack

yes sp3 is safe to load ,Try changing the auto updateds setting to something else! or if you have IE installed ,just open IE and go tools and windows updates

Yeah SP3 will install fine so long as you have SP2 already, and your copy is legitimate. Download the standalone version from here

By the way, if you have AVG installed, remove it before putting SP3 on as it interferes with it

Do you ave your machine configured for microsoft update? you can always just go to the page and click custom.

When I clicked on the download you suggested for a stand alone version it stated on the MS website "Do not click download if you are using this for only one computer. A smaller, more appropriate download is now available on Windows Update" So I am not sure what I should do. What is the advantage of a stand alone update?

Also, my Automatic Updates are functioning again. I had to go to MS and and update the MS installer and other software from their website. Not sure what the "software" was but it did the job!

I would still like your comments on the stand alone version.

Many thanks for your help


It wont do you any harm to use the standalone one

Its a good thing to have around. It can be used for pcs which cant use windows update (e.g yours which appeared to be broken) or dont have the internet.

Also there is a small bug in windows update where on some systems SP3 will just never ever show as an available update, in that case its useful

More usefully though, it can be used with Nlite to create slipstreamed XP Cds which make reinstalling much easier (hundreds of updates released since sp2)

Hello jbennet

Many thanks for your explanation in layman's terms which was ideal for me.

I really appreciate the help you have given and am now all systems go on my initial query.


No problem, if you have any more queries just ask

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