I have HP laptop with Vista Home-64 bit OS. If I'm logged in with a Standard User I can't play most of the videos on Youtube either in FF or IE and forget safari, it won't open any pages.

If I run any of the 3 .exe file as administrator it works. The parental controls are set to teen and even if I turn them off I get the same result.

I understand the concept of "security through obscurity" but this is bit too much. Is there a solution? Clearly I don't want to upgrade the account to Admin for obvious reasons.



hhhmmm... this is a difficult one....

What is your virus protection?

Have you tried reinstalling Firefox etc?

Have you tried restoring Firefox etc to default?


I think thats because on vista x64 there are two versions of IE, the 64 bit and the 32 bit one. Most plugins like flash and java need the 32 bit one, but i do believe that requires admin privileges

hhhmmm... this is a difficult one....

What is your virus protection?

Have you tried reinstalling Firefox etc?

Have you tried restoring Firefox etc to default?


Home defender, Avast!4.8. Reinstalled firefox, reinstalled flash. Here is something really bizarre thought. In parental controls, I have it set to custom and if I uncheck pornography filter it works even with standard account. I can have all the filters on and upgrade the account to admin and will work as well.

I think thats because on vista x64 there are two versions of IE, the 64 bit and the 32 bit one. Most plugins like flash and java need the 32 bit one, but i do believe that requires admin privileges

Yes, true, but I have only one FF or Safari. When you set to run iexplorer.exe or firefox.exe as admin, is there a way to save the password so that you don't have to type it each time? You can do it in XP Pro.


I also have HP with 64- bit Vista, 6 gigs of ram, 4-quad, 720 gig HD. The only thing I did was to turn off User Account Control feature via User Accounts icon in the Control Panel. My login account has administrative rights. The only problem I have found is that IE7 (64-bit version) sometimes freezes and I have to use Task Manager to kill the process. Also there is no 64-bit version of some plugins. I installed 32-bit FF and have not had any problems with it at all.

As for utube videos, I have had no problems with them either. But I have not changed anything under Parental Controls because I'm clearly over legal age limits :)

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