I have tried to refresh my windows but when i put the windows xp disc in it wont let me cont. . Is there a way to refresh my computer from dos? If so
please help me with how to do this. thanks.

I have tried to refresh my windows but when i put the windows xp disc in it wont let me cont. . Is there a way to refresh my computer from dos? If so
please help me with how to do this. thanks.

do you put the disk in and then reboot computer to the cd ,and do a repair install .
If it will not boot to the cd then you need to enter the bios on bootup and change the boot order to cdrom as first boot .
Make sure you have backedup all important data before you proceed just in case .

one more question
can i have windows xp on my computer now can i do as you said above with windows 2000 instead of windows xp?

one more question
can i have windows xp on my computer now can i do as you said above with windows 2000 instead of windows xp?

one more question
can i have windows xp on my computer now can i do as you said above with windows 2000 instead of windows xp?

sorry your question is a bit mixed up .,can i have windows xp on my computer now ,???
not sure what you mean ,if you mean can you refresh you install of winxp with a win 2000 cd the answer is no!
If you mean can you remove xp and loose winxp and all files and programs and do a fresh install of win2000 the answer is yes!

sorry the question was

i have on my computer now windows xp pro.

and wanted to use windows 2000 to refresh windows xp

so i take it the answer was no.

I cant find my windows xp disc.

sorry the question was

i have on my computer now windows xp pro.

and wanted to use windows 2000 to refresh windows xp

so i take it the answer was no.

I cant find my windows xp disc.

the answer is no! .that would be a downgrade !

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