I have an executive at our company that unfortunately uses the calendar reminders as a task manager. They have recently used the dismiss all button. I have been searching around for about two hours and have not found a solution yet to restore the dismissed reminders. I have tried the CLI outlook.exe /cleanreminders which didn't work. I have also tried setting the system time back then forward again which didn't work either. We have recently migrated to exchange 2007 so I have the calendar events both on the exchange server and in the user's .pst file. I have seen some solutions suggesting restoring the exchange account but in this case I don't think it will work as we have been on exchange for less than a week and there are reminders that are needed going back about 6 months. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

They were probably permanently deleted.

I always backed up my outlook files to the backup CD once a week, so if something horrible happened, I had copies.

See if a backup disk was made before the change to 2007, as the instructions suggest. It might contain the information.

Also look in the wastebasket files, if they haven't been automatically deleted by now.

Thank you for your reply.

I think there may have been a misunderstanding, then again maybe I am confused.

All of the calendar events still exist. The issue is that the reminders that they had triggered have been dismissed. I'm trying to trigger the reminders for the events again.

The old calendar events are stored in a .pst file so they still exist and are in the user's outlook account but they are in a personal folder. The calendar events were exported to .csv then imported into the new exchange folder, which worked fine all of the same events exist. I just am hoping for some way to trigger the reminders for all calendar events for a certain period of time.

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