Hi i was wondering if there was any way for me to remotely access another computer on my LAN connection, and view the screen graphically instead of in a terminal? I am running Vista Home Basic, and i would be trying to access a Mac. Is there a way to do this?

Hi i was wondering if there was any way for me to remotely access another computer on my LAN connection, and view the screen graphically instead of in a terminal? I am running Vista Home Basic, and i would be trying to access a Mac. Is there a way to do this?

The easiest way to do that over a different OS would probably be a piece of software such as Logmein, although for that to work you would need to have an internet connection available on your LAN.

Most of the software available such as the aforementioned one should support Mac fine.

Dazza :cool:

is this program free to download anywhere?

is this program free to download anywhere?

Yes, there are a few options open to you regarding free software for this purpose. I personally, use Logmein which seems to work fine. I've only ever tried using over Windows based systems so it may be worth having a quick peruse of their website to check Mac support.

'Go To my pc' is another one, although rumoured to be not quite as secure during remote sessions as Logmein. Both of the aforementioned are free and should work fine, however both will require an active internet connection over you Lan.

Ok i setup a logmein account and i am using the pro free trial until May 31st. i have been impressed so far. i noticed that you have to refresh the page after any actions to update the feed. Is this expected for all remote software? I was just wondering because i tried to watch a video on the accessed computer and it didnt quite work out. lol

I would like to know if anyone has an answer to my question above still. Thanks.

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