How Can I stop Downloading From Mozilla Firefox ?

My suggestion would be to get a download manager add-on (I use DownThemAll) most have a cancel download feature in their interface.

I suggest this because trying to cancel a download using the download manager that is built into firefox is actually more complex than you would think. From what I gather you have to change a default setting in one of the config files so that closing the browser completely stops the download instead of just pausing it until the next time you reopen the browser.

if you want to give it a shot, this link may help:

How Can I stop Downloading From Mozilla Firefox ?

when you get up in the morning go to work ,do not turn on computer ,I repeat do not turn on computer lol, works for me !

You mean, press the little blue cross?

I'm confused on what you want to do, and i think everyone is.

Please explain more - the more detail we have, the more we can help.



I think the best thing will be to get a download manager like dap or idm.

I'm confused on what you want to do, and i think everyone is.

Please explain more - the more detail we have, the more we can help.



I Just want to disable downloading...
Many People use my Pc and download something else from it...
so i want to disable downloding manger from mozzila firefox....

so you want to disable downloading from your computer ,as there are more ways than firefox to download thing from the internet on your computer .

you need to password protect your computer and open a restricted acct for the other people

Near the files you are downloading there is a cancel button. There are other option like pause or resume download. I would recommend you to use download helper 4.8.1 It is good for me, so i think it will work for you. It works in firefox, you can always go to your add-ons to disable or enable it. Can also use it to download movies or videos.

hope it helps

2 year old thread guys :icon_rolleyes:

Thanks crunchie for reminding, but while is it still active. I thought it was a new thread cause when i see it i saw someone posted here two days ago, i did not check when the thread started. Thanks anyway crunnchie

Well As i can see that Salem has already given you the perfect solution for the same. But if you still unable to stop download as if this window has minimized. Then you must maximize it by clicking at the right bottem of your browser where you will find the status of you download. check in the attachment.

commented: sig spammer -4

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