AS part of a redundacny, my old work gave me my work laptop. But it is still connected to the work domain.

Can anyone tell me how to remove this and all of it attributes, without formating and without administration priveleges?


They wouldn't have given you a laptop unless it was formatted and the disk was clean of ALL software and OS. It would be up to you to provide your own software and OS. If your company has done this, it is a breach of WorldWide Agreements. Your Company could face fines up to $250,000. You could face a fine of $50,000 if found to be using the laptop without permission, and possible improsonment of up to 2 years..

I suggest you format the HDD and buy your own software and OS.

What was the point in replying to my question?

If you have worked in the business world for a legitimate length of time, you would know the reality is that rules are broken all the time. Such is the case with my laptop, complete with software.

I do not want your 'suggestion' thank you, it offers me no help to my problem

Let me offer you a suggestion and you will understand why I am replying to you in this way. Here is my suggestion: If you are not going to offer help in your replies, then don't reply.

What was the point in replying to my question?

If you have worked in the business world for a legitimate length of time, you would know the reality is that rules are broken all the time. Such is the case with my laptop, complete with software.

I do not want your 'suggestion' thank you, it offers me no help to my problem

Let me offer you a suggestion and you will understand why I am replying to you in this way. Here is my suggestion: If you are not going to offer help in your replies, then don't reply.

Jupiter 2 is correct ,and we here at Daniweb can't offer you any help because its against the rules of this forum as we do not know they gave it to you, you could have stole it for all we know ,so we will error on the side of caution ,and your prissy attitude !lol
my suggestion to you would be ask you work IT department for the info you need or get one of them to do it for you

commented: Good Points on Ethics +1
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