Mozilla has released Firefox 1.0.1! This is new right it just poped up when I was browsing.

Yep, it's new. And an important upgrade too as it fixes a security issue.

I'm thinking about changing from IE can someone give me more info on Mozilla?

Is it free? Got a URL for downloading?


Its free theres a link in my sig.

Before upgrading I read the forum at Mozilla about it. I'm thinkin' I'll wait until they've fixed the bugs the "fix" creates.


I decided to try it and it's fixed my popup problem. So far so good, thanks

What a relief to travel without baggage...

I'm thinking about changing from IE can someone give me more info on Mozilla?

Is it free? Got a URL for downloading?


This sticky links to a step by step guide to changing from Internet Explorer to Firefox.

If people have technical questions could they please post them in either the 'Windows Software' section of TechTalk or in the appropriate OS version section?

Im going to make the switch from IE to Firefox. HAHA im going to delete the IE shortcut so my family members dont try to use it.

Can I get to the page to download the ieView through firefox? maybe its just a broken link.

Also, when I click on the link in msn messenger to open my email, it opens it with IE, can I change it to open with Firefox?

Ok, now its telling me I need to install a plugin that I already installed, and everytime I click to install it, it tells me I already have it. I restarted firefox but its still not working. I have included an attachment to show you what is going on.

Even though I Have used ff from time to time I find it a pain at times. To many plug ins. To many problems. Some sites can not be viewed right. I was never a big fan of ff. Figured I would test drive it again. Still same problems. Think I am gonna stick with my ie 2. Its probally what ie 7 will be when its released. Tabs.

Is it me, or has firefox become far slower since the update?

Is it me, or has firefox become far slower since the update?

its you !LOL, i started using it again new version and it doesn't seem any slower . i like the multiple homepage feature ,i opened 5 of my most use sites in 5 different tabs ,go to tools option and set home page to current page and it sets all 5 ,now when i open firefox all 5 sites open in there own tab !I then just have to tab back and forthe ,love it .cant set it as default browser though as my wife also has a user acct and it setit as her default too and shes not ready for the change ,

Since I changed over from IE to Firefox I can't open .pdf files in my bookmarks file. The app locks up completely and I can't do anything until I invoke Task Manager and end the task. So I tried in IE and the same thing happens. Can anybody offer suggestions on what happend and how I can fix it?


Try uninstalling Acrobat reader and reinstalling with the most recent version available.

its you !LOL, i started using it again new version and it doesn't seem any slower . i like the multiple homepage feature ,i opened 5 of my most use sites in 5 different tabs ,go to tools option and set home page to current page and it sets all 5 ,now when i open firefox all 5 sites open in there own tab !I then just have to tab back and forthe ,love it .cant set it as default browser though as my wife also has a user acct and it setit as her default too and shes not ready for the change ,

Aaw Caperjack. You should be using Opera. It's been doing that for as long as I can remember :D.

I reinstalled Acrobat. But I had real problems deleting it first. Windows didn't want to release some of the files that got stuck, I reckon. It took three restarts, getting rid of one or two files each time until they were all gone.

Then I couldn't download Acrobat 7. I finally had to reinstall Windows, then install service pack 4 before I could finally get 7 to work. Now everything is OK but it took awhile. Are you guys sure that Firefox is worth it - just kidding, it works fine and I'm not getting those pesky popups anymore. It feels like I have a new system...


Tried FF. Too many problems in the CSS and JS handling.

I can't get my brouser to update.
I click on the red arrow on the top right, to opens a dialogue box and saiys it has detected a "Critical Update".
When I click to install it, it just opens another diag box with an epty status bar.

I have tried to update since a few days, but nothing seems to do it. It has been "Updating" since more than an hour today, but still that empty status bar...

Am I the only one?

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