My Hp Media Center computer will not boot up. It will not go into setup,recover or reboot from the recovery discs. It just freezes up at the start screen. Does this mean my hard drive has died or I have another problem. I have considered getting another hard drive to see if replacing it will get me going but if thats not it Im still down and out the money for a hard drive I might not need. Any help or feedback on my problem will be appreciated. Thanks.

It's probably not the HD. Have you tried Safe Mode?
If Safe Mode works, try System Restore.

It's probably not the HD. Have you tried Safe Mode?
If Safe Mode works, try System Restore.

I tried holding F8 in at start up but nothing happens. It will saying loading boot menu when pressing Esc and entering setup when holding F1 but it nevers goes past that. None of the other keys will get it to do anything. The keyboard just blinks for an instance when it restarts and after that it wont do anything.

Was there any physical event preceding this? A power outage, lightning strike or maybe an honest politician discovered?
This seems like a motherboard problem. Try removing the CMOS battery for a few minutes, then reboooting.

Tried that and it still does the same thing. The computer was working fine the night before and the weather was fine and I dont think there were any surges but you never can tell. If I have to replace the mother board,what else would I need?

I suggest trying a linux live cd to see if system still works.

Or try a windows installation disc and see if it recognises the hard drive don't reinstall windows yet you will lose your data.

let us know how it goes.

It wont let me run a windows cd or anything. It seems to be locked up.

Locked up as in you can't open the cd tray?

can you enter BIOS?

Dear GAZH13, Hi you doing, I don't want to get your hopes down, I had similar problems like that, but before anything let me ask you this, it will freeze right after you boot up the pc, it will make like it if is going to start but don't go beyond the first post, is that what you trying to say. Ok, in this case change the memory, see if it helps, if it doesn't, hate to say this but it looks like is the Motherboard that went dead, sorry, same thing happened to me a few times, and that what end up being the problem. Sorry.

so what was the problem GAZH13, just wondering, so it could help other in the forum.

Yep,It freezes up right after the first post comes up and thats as far as it will go. So I can try new memory and see if that helps? It came with 1gb(2-512mb) and I added 1gb(1-1gb) about a year ago. How much should I go get to try it? Thanks for the help and info. I just use my desktop mostly for my music and videos but I miss it. It does have a tuner and I record shows so I can watch them while Im on the treadmill. I also have some programs that only run with XP so if I replace this computer I will probably look for a used one to take its place. Any insight on that would be helpful. Need to get it going so I can get back on the treadmill, ate too much today.

remove all ram sticks and boot computer ,what happens ,if ram is the problem it should not shut down but stay on and make beeping sound !
Sound like CPU or Power supply could be over heating ,make sure all fans are free of dust !,

It seems to me that it is the motherboard, cause it doesn't go beyond the first post and it get's stuck right there. I would consider replacing the mobo if it's worth anything. Oh way a minute did you try resetting the motherboard.(cmos).

It seems to me that it is the motherboard, cause it doesn't go beyond the first post and it get's stuck right there. I would consider replacing the mobo if it's worth anything. Oh way a minute did you try resetting the motherboard.(cmos).

I did take out the battery. Isnt that how you reset the motherboard?

no, you need to change the jumpers, read the manual, look it up in the internet depending on the model, pin 1 and 2 is normal, pin 2 and 3 is or reset. that is resetting the cmos most of the time is j1. By the way the way to do it is to put the jumper on 2 and 3 for 20 seconds, then put back again on 1 and 2. with the power off completely, unplugged.

no, you need to change the jumpers, read the manual, look it up in the internet depending on the model, pin 1 and 2 is normal, pin 2 and 3 is or reset. that is resetting the cmos most of the time is j1. By the way the way to do it is to put the jumper on 2 and 3 for 20 seconds, then put back again on 1 and 2. with the power off completely, unplugged.

removing the bios[motherboard] battery will achieve the same thing

it depends on the brand of the motherboard. more efectively is the cmos jumper.

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