Hello, is there a CD that contains Microsoft's Security updates? I recently had to reload my Win XP with a disk from 2002. The minute I plugged in my DSL modem, I was flooded with pop ups, spyware and eventially something that cut me off from the internet all together. I did a second reformat, but now I'm "scared" to attempt the SP2 d/l which has the firewall and other security features. I've gone to Microsoft's website, but I don't see where I can order a CD, but maybe I'm not looking in the right place.

P.S. My Norton is from 2002 as well, so it's about as useful as a hole in the head.



Hmm, seems one can't order this cd anymore. Get SP2 from a friend, and install it BEFORE you connect to the internet with a Windows XP OS.


Do YOU have one I could borrow? I only have one other friend with a computer and she doesn't have it. Maybe EBay? lol

Do YOU have one I could borrow?

Sure, if you come to Germany to get it. Seriously, just activate the Windows XP firewall, go to Start->run and type shutdown -a click OK and then download SP2 and install it.


Sure, if you come to Germany to get it. Seriously, just activate the Windows XP firewall, go to Start->run and type shutdown -a click OK and then download SP2 and install it.


Windows firewall IS in SP2 - that's my problem!! LOL. Actually, I work for Phoenix Contact, I should be in Germany towards the middle of this year ;-)

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