Yesterday I installed a Time Warner RCA cable modem along with a NetGear wireless router. During the install process, one of the CD's given to me with the modem instructed me to restart the computer (Windows XP), which I did. When the computer rebooted, a black box came up on my desktop (after Windows booted up) and I remember seeing something like c:\windows\system32 on top of this black box which looked like an MS-DOS box. My file document names were very rapidly rolling up and I closed the box out of shear fear.
I then discovered that folders and of course files were completely gone from my computer - not in the Recycle Bin either. I do not have restore capability. I did run SpyBot, but it found no problems (I run this a few times a week and it's up to date). I have a Dell Dimension desktop (wired to the modem/router, the wireless is for another computer, which was not even on at the time and it's a MAC computer).

So first, any ideas on how this happened? Only other thing that I had done was to uninstall Verizon DSL and all files that had the word "Verizon" as I was fearful of a connection problem with the new cable modem/router combination.

The computer otherwise runs fine and the cable modem and router are all fine. Programs are running okay so far too.

After this nightmare, I did download PC Tune Up and used the recovery utility and was able to get back some files. But much of my recovered music files can't be opened (even though they do have an .mp3 file extensions). My recovered pictures (.jpg files) show as if they are they are, but Windows Paint, nor any other viewer will open them.

So how can I get my documents/files/songs/photos back ?

Be precise on your reply if you have any suggestions, I can use a computer, but I am a total novice when it comes to these types of problems.

I do not have current Virus Utility, but of course a virus is a possibility.

Thank you!

If you don't currently have an anti virus utility then it would be a good idea to download one and give your computer a scan. There are a few good antivirus programs out there that are free. AVG, AVAST, AVIRA are 3 free ones that come to mind. I personally use AVG and have no problems

your files are sure to be there, just that perhaps you have lost permissions for them. Try logging on using the native Administrator account [not you as an administrator] by usinf CtrlAltDel at logon and seeing if you can either change their permissions, or copy them.

your files are sure to be there, just that perhaps you have lost permissions for them. Try logging on using the native Administrator account [not you as an administrator] by usinf CtrlAltDel at logon and seeing if you can either change their permissions, or copy them.

It's my own computer and I do have it password protected, but I'm the only user. So after Windows XP starts, do I click CtrAltDel and type Administrator? Will it ask me for a password? And how do I see if I can change permissions?
Thanks !

I am assuming that you have XP Pro. Depending upon whether simple file sharing is enabled you will see in the file or folder Properties either that sharing, or Security and Sharing tabs. If so go to the Security tab for files or folders... you will see what to do there.

To answer your question re the login, there is no need to login as Administrator [and you can only do that in Safe Mode..] if you are in the administrator's group. Just login as normal and try what I posted above.

Safe mode would be my starting point.
That "black box" you saw, paniced over and blew up was some dos batch process doing who knows what and most likely a critical part of the upgrade/install. Those frequently popup where programmers are doing tricky processes that windows can't or won't handle.
If you can get into safemode, and your root directory is intact. Just uninstall and then reboot and reinstall. If your root is gone, take it to a reputable pc shop, have them backup the drive, reformat and reinstall windows. of course, you can try all of that yourself, but one error and it's ALL gone.

p.s. this is where you just get out your backup disk or sign on to carbonite, or fire up ghost, etc. (oops)

Take time to read what he has achieved since. His sys is okay, jus some data files cannot be accessed.

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