I use a windows vista home premium in my core-2 duo laptop as a single user. when i open d folders, i find a lot of folder icons with a blue curved arrow on folders like My Documents, My Music, My Pictures, etc. When I double click on one of these folder I get a message "Access is Denied". I can not access most of my files. How can I access all of them. Please help. Tnx.

There is much on this topic if you search Access Denied.

But, to save you the bother THIS TIME, here's the explanation.

If your Explorer options allow you to show protected system files, you will see these dim folders with blue arrows. These folders are the real locations of your documents etc, and Vista security protects those locations.

If you turn off visibility of system files, the folders/blue arrows will go away and the ones that you would normally use will continue to be used (these are links - but you wouldn't know it).


Suspishio Sir,

I did follow religiously your advice but find that the most important forder Documents and Settings is still with the blue curved arrow. I cant see "My Documents" as well because I cant open "Documents & Settings". When I tried to share the folder this is windows message: "An error occured while trying to share Documents and Settings. Access is denied. The share resource was not created at this time"
What will I do next.

If you have Hide protected operating system files checked in Explorer/Tools/Folder Options/View, then you will NOT see Documents and Settings in your C: drive.

That needs to be your starting point. You will NEVER be able to see into this blue arrow folder. It is protected.

Now that you can no longer see the system files, forget about the C: drive.

In the Navigation Pane of Explorer, at the top, it should say "Desktop" and under that, your user name and below that Documents. In Vista this is what used to be My Documents in XP.

If you don't see Desktop and Documents in the Navigation Pane, then something's wrong. But this isn't what you have reported.

In Vista, Music is a folder at the same level as Documents and this used to be My Music within My Documents in XP.

Hope that's all clear now.

Thanks for the explanation sir. Now i hav a clearer insight of vista's filing system. Am so used with d XP that I find working with vista filing system cumbersome and not helping me in my work at all. I spend more time looking for my files than doing productive work. Now am using it only for internet. When I bought my new laptop a few months ago, it came with vista and all these problems. Hope windows 7 is more considerate to laymen like me. Anyway, my thanks sir for being so kind and considerate.

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