For Vista and 7 users: found a very useful free sidebar gadget. It shows the most resource-heavy processes in real time. Can be downloaded here.

For Vista and 7 users: found a very useful free sidebar gadget. It shows the most resource-heavy processes in real time. Can be downloaded here.

Better than Taskmgr? Vista already has a very prolific program that is already installed.

Better than Taskmgr? Vista already has a very prolific program that is already installed.

And even has a cpu gadget pre-installed as well... wonders will never cease, lol. But I guess some ppl just like the novelty of downloading stuff :D

And even has a cpu gadget pre-installed as well... wonders will never cease, lol. But I guess some ppl just like the novelty of downloading stuff :D

While that may be true, Gadgets use incredible amounts of memory, and Task manager has all of the basic info and much more! Also it lets you make the choices of which things you wish to monitor, and then access them, or simply view them.

While that may be true, Gadgets use incredible amounts of memory

In Vista they seemed to. In Win7 that memory usage has been massively reduced, and flipping the default to the x64 "sidebar" process helps even more (of course if you are running x64 Win7).

I agree Task Manager (often run in tandem with Process Monitor), I get the impression that this guys wants something which is always visible at desktop level

Amen to that! All those things are already (in Vista anyway) integrated and of course in real time. If you want sidebar they have the CPU and RAM gadgets too.

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