Hello people :-)

I'm having a problem here. And I'm hoping someone can help me.

I have downloaded Windows 7 on my PC and it works fine but I need a driver so that my internet can work. I have downloaded Driver Detective to find out what driver I need and then they can fix it for me. Problem is, the computer can not go on the internet so it cannot download it for me and I dont know where to find it.

Anyone know where I can find my driver to download then? I will then download it on my laptop here and then transfer it to my PC with a USB.

It says I'm missing AN983 Fast Ethernet Adapter Driver.

I have googled it but I cant find it for download. Please I need help.

Thanks in advance so far
Brian Jørgensen

Windows 7 isn't released yet. I doubt you will find a driver until it is.

Windows 7 isn't released yet. I doubt you will find a driver until it is.

if t hat is the case then why did you just advise someone else to install it[win7] on a laptop that they wanted to downgrade to winxp!

Because it is more likely to work on it than XP is!

Because it is more likely to work on it than XP is!

but with out drivers for some hardware !whats the point .I installed 7 and had no drivers for my video,wireless usb device and nic card ,so no internet ,other that that it worked great! but what the point ,i say wait for it and buy it on a new computer built for it !

I also installed Windows 7 and for drivers I used the one for Vista and it's work without any problems. Also you can search on producer home page maybe will find a new version of driver.


Have actually previously advised you on this issue... in most cases drivers for Win7 are not difficult to find, as 99% of Vista drivers will work just fine!!. If you haven't bothered to follow advice, or responded/posted as to where you are stuck, don't bother whinging!

To the OP - get rid of Driver Detective - carries more risk of completely screwing up you pre-release install. You know the hardware you are looking to find a driver for, so Google it. If you are asking others to find it for you, you need to at least advise whether you are using x86 or 64, as will need different drivers.


Have actually previously advised you on this issue... in most cases drivers for Win7 are not difficult to find, as 99% of Vista drivers will work just fine!!. If you haven't bothered to follow advice, or responded/posted as to where you are stuck, don't bother whinging!

This spat should become interesting!

I have a dual boot with Windows 7 and it sorted all the drivers for me. It even set up my broardband without a hitch via wireless.


Have actually previously advised you on this issue... in most cases drivers for Win7 are not difficult to find, as 99% of Vista drivers will work just fine!!. If you haven't bothered to follow advice, or responded/posted as to where you are stuck, don't bother whinging!

lol,i knew someone did

This spat should become interesting!

Well, is is a little difficult to help someone who won't help themselves. These complaints seem to come most from those with no previous experience in installing retail builds (cause all said and done, even the pre-release builds of Win7 fall in the "retail-release" category), and expect that all the drivers should just be there as with their OEM installs (which had all the HW-specific drivers bundled. Sorry, but just doesn't work that way!

Win7 RC1 (even the x64 build) has an extremely good set of drivers at its disposal - either at point of install or though Windows Update. But short of either every hardware manufacturer and OEM supplying MS with all their driver stacks, or MS building their own driver builds for any supplied hardware outfits - both options being highly unlikely, then you best get used to doing some of the leg-work yourself. If you aren't prepared to do some work of your own, and listen to advise as to how to go about it, then maybe you should stick to the OS pre-installed on your machine, and quit whining about it.

Back to the OP....

Am finding references to driver-builds for you device stretching back to Win98, with no official Vista driver released... which indicates your device is well beyond any support period. My advice would be simply to update the damned device!

You may have gotten away with installing XP drivers using compatibility tools, but the further away from XP you get, the harder that will become. These days, most current Ethernet Adapters rarely require extra drivers as Windows (post XP) usually able to handle from the outset.

You'll find if you upgrade to a a current adapter, you'll have no probs in Win7, and it should tide you over for a number of years.

Well, is is a little difficult to help someone who won't help themselves.

Quite. But you appeared to be taking Caperjack on. That's what amused me.

Quite. But you appeared to be taking Caperjack on. That's what amused me.

Do I sense a little black humour here :D

Do I sense a little black humour here :D


Quite. But you appeared to be taking Caperjack on. That's what amused me.

and i admit i deserved it ! he /she advised me in another post ,getting lazy i guess !

and i admit i deserved it ! he /she advised me in another post ,getting lazy i guess !

Oh dear!

and i admit i deserved it ! he /she advised me in another post ,getting lazy i guess !

Oh dear!

Now just what are you trying to insinuate buddy-boy, hmmmmmm? That I don't suffer fools lightly (well don't really suffer them all really... prefer to make them suffer, but anyhow ;) )??

If someone can actually admit problems are due to their own laziness, am happy to sit quiet... let's face it - well all suffer from the occasional blonde moment, or "can't be @rsed" moment. I take more enjoyment over dissecting those who claim no responsibility for their wilful ignorance (in fact I take a world of pleasure in it, but anyhow).

@Caperjack... if you ever decide you actually want assistance getting Win7 working instead of b1tching about it, give us a hoi :) In all honesty, Win7 actually has the best in-built driver support of ANY pre-release OS I have ever encountered to date (and have played with a few), and even outdoes most retail OS releases. Don't be too quick to judge just because every exotic/aged piece of HW is not catered for out of the box.... that's an impossibility.


@Caperjack... if you ever decide you actually want assistance getting Win7 working instead of b1tching about it, give us a hoi :) In all honesty, Win7 actually has the best in-built driver support of ANY pre-release OS I have ever encountered to date (and have played with a few), and even outdoes most retail OS releases. Don't be too quick to judge just because every exotic/aged piece of HW is not catered for out of the box.... that's an impossibility.

Now this spat has become interesting! Twisting the knife.

Just having fun, sunshine. You won the first round .....

Now this spat has become interesting! Twisting the knife.

Just having fun, sunshine. You won the first round .....

Now that's just mean... funny but mean :D

Now that's just mean... funny but mean :D

Gota new drug, to laid back to care .LOL
don't have time really to play with win7 right now ,technology[cell phones] and computer are getting on me nerve !

Sorry Suspishio, but looks like a quiet surrender this time arround :D

Sorry Suspishio, but looks like a quiet surrender this time arround :D


This is all a bit moot, the OP hasn't returned since his first post!

This is all a bit moot, the OP hasn't returned since his first post!

Did notice that...

must be Me! the majority of post i reply to never come back ,getting a complex,lol

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