Hello, I am running Windows 98 and I have a DSL connection. I currently use Internet Explorer as my browser. Question: What in the world can I do in order to have a Login page be displayed (or something) when I click on my Desktop Internet Explorer Icon? As it is now, anybody can just click on the Icon and start surfing the Internet. I would like to limit access and would like to enter a password before Internet Explorer actually allows me (or anybody else) to start surfing the Web. Thanks a bunch for any help !

Welcome to Daniweb mylo2002, I think if you post your question in the internet explorer forum then you will get a better reply. Welcome to Daniweb anyhow :)

Welcome to Daniweb mylo2002, I think if you post your question in the internet explorer forum then you will get a better reply.

Buckle up- we're off the Internet Explorer forum now...

What in the world can I do in order to have a Login page be displayed (or something) when I click on my Desktop Internet Explorer Icon?

Internet Explorer doesn't have that functionality itself; you usually set that up in the connection software supplied to you by your DSL provider. The exact procedure would depend on the particular software package your provider gave you though, so I can't be any more specific at the moment.

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