My laptop, Acer Aspire 5100-3949 cannot start, when I tried again, it suggest me to Launch start recovery, then I followed the instruction and tried to load the drive from the website to do system recovery,it still not work. I tried to start in the safe mode, did not work.
Help me, Please

Have you a recovery CD/DVD or a recovery partition?

Yes, I do not have recovery CD or recovery partrition. But I have a copy of backup files(CD) when I first setup my computer. I also have a backup in my laptop.

Is this a recovery CD/DVD that is made when you first got the laptop?

If it is you should be able to restore the laptop from that by booting from the CD/DVD. Any files on the hard drive will be lost though.

You may want to use a linux live cd to get the data back before reformatting.

I insert the 1st CD of backup and restart, it still go back to system recovery.Help me please.

Does this cd load anything up when inserted?

what options are listed in system recovery?

It does not load anything.The same thing happen as before. I just went to bestbuy, and they thinked the cause maybe harddrive failure. If I need repair, they asked for $300(inluding order hard drive, fix, does not including the data recovery)

They suggest me to buy a new laptop instead of repair, any suggestion?

Did you try safe mode?
I think you get registry error.
Cleaning registry is the most efficient way to fix Windows error.
I use Registry easy, You can have a try.

The cost of a new OS may only be about £100 (whatever that is in dollars).

I would suggest trying Windows 7 RC or linux to see if it is still working.

it would only be a few dollars to burn a copy of windows 7 or linux to disc.

you should be able to upgrade vista to windows 7 and keep you files. Then buy windows 7 when it is released.

For all its flaws, I will say that Vista has a very robust file protection mechanism, especially for boot files. If indeed you received this error, I would first recommend any vendor supplied diagnostics to check and ensure there's no fault with the hard drive itself.

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