My Mom has an XP Home, SP3 5 year old Pentium computer. I can't figure out why, but even though the Taskbar is locked, every time she restarts or turns off her computer, the Quick Launch turns off. So, she has to turn it back on each time for the icons to appear. Any ideas how to fix that?

Thanks! I'll try it when I'm at my Mom's computer.

There's a lot to try. Basically, fixing something in the registry is likely to be the solution.

But, of course, we have no idea what casued the registry change in the first place. Could be anything and need not be malware.

There's a lot to try. Basically, fixing something in the registry is likely to be the solution.

But, of course, we have no idea what casued the registry change in the first place. Could be anything and need not be malware.

I tried to fix it using the info from the thread you posted, however, it didn't work. If it is the Registry, I'm not good enough to find out the problem and fix it.

Thank you....I'll have to get over to my Mom's again but I'll try what was in the thread.

How about this then?

Hi....Nothing in that thread regarding the Registry worked. Wow, it seems like a simple thing has turned into a big problem. If you or anyone else has any ideas, I sure would be glad to listen and try it.

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