
I am having trouble logging in to Hotmail and this problem is manifested in both IE and firefox which I have recently just installed - so have eliminated at a pure IE based problem. It was working fine up until a few days ago. I use XP pro SP2 and IE 6 SP2 patched to latest.

When I enter username/password at www.hotmail.com I get the message 'The page cannot be displayed' - though it is a valid account which I have been using for years.

I have run spybot and HijackThis and fixed any problems through them and also deleted cookies, temp internet files and history.

I also installed Firefox to see if this was a browser related issue but the same problem occurs.

Here is a brief summary of actions ..

have tried the commands below as suggested elsewhere
regsvr32 wintrust.dll
regsvr32 initpki.dll
regsvr32 dssenh.dll
regsvr32 rsaenh.dll
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll
regsvr32 sccbase.dll
regsvr32 slbcsp.dll
regsvr32 cryptdlg.dll

but the same result as before. I go to www.hotmail.com and type in the user/password of my account which then gets redirected to the following URL ...

https://loginnet.passport.com/ppsec....... [NOTE: this is not the complete URL]

and after about 1 minute it finally ends up at

http://www.hotmail.msn.com/cgi-bin/sbox?did=1&t=.....[NOTE: not complete URL]

with 'The page cannot be displayed message' ...

Note that this seems to be a localised hotmail issue as my yahoo email account is still accessible.

Does anyone have courses of actions that I should try to remedy this problem?

Thank you for the reply nanosani.

Unfortunately, The hotmail login fixer has not fixed my problem.

What other avenues can I pursue?

Try this:


clear your internet cache, and your cookies and then, restart your browser. Then try to login again.

Thanks again nanosani.

I have performed the requisite steps and unfortunately I am still encountering the same problem. This is really frustrating and I'm at a loss as to what could be causing the problem.

Any other ideas?

1. Within Internet Explorer, go to the Tools menu and select Internet Options

2. Click the Privacy tab.

3. Ensure that the Privacy level is set to Medium. Use the grey slider bar on the left-hand side of the window to set the level to Medium if necessary.

4. Click the Apply button in the lower-right corner of the window.

5. Click the Security tab.

6. Select the icon of the world, called Internet.

7. Click the Default Level button.

8. Drag the grey slider bar down one notch to Medium-low. Click Yes when asked if you are sure you wish to adjust this setting.

9. Click the Apply button, then click the OK button.

Also, the date on your computer may be incorrect and this could be causing the problem you are experiencing. You can check the date on your computer by double-clicking on the clock (generally located in the lower-right corner of your screen). If the date is incorrect, please alter it to the correct date and then attempt to access your Hotmail account again.

If you have any firewall software on your computer this could be affecting your access. Consider temporarily disabling it to access your Hotmail account, then enabling it again once you have entered.


I am having trouble logging in to Hotmail and this problem is manifested in both IE and firefox which I have recently just installed - so have eliminated at a pure IE based problem. It was working fine up until a few days ago. I use XP pro SP2 and IE 6 SP2 patched to latest.

When I enter username/password at www.hotmail.com I get the message 'The page cannot be displayed' - though it is a valid account which I have been using for years.

I have run spybot and HijackThis and fixed any problems through them and also deleted cookies, temp internet files and history.

I also installed Firefox to see if this was a browser related issue but the same problem occurs.

Here is a brief summary of actions ..

have tried the commands below as suggested elsewhere
regsvr32 wintrust.dll
regsvr32 initpki.dll
regsvr32 dssenh.dll
regsvr32 rsaenh.dll
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll
regsvr32 sccbase.dll
regsvr32 slbcsp.dll
regsvr32 cryptdlg.dll

but the same result as before. I go to www.hotmail.com and type in the user/password of my account which then gets redirected to the following URL ...

https://loginnet.passport.com/ppsec....... [NOTE: this is not the complete URL]

and after about 1 minute it finally ends up at

http://www.hotmail.msn.com/cgi-bin/sbox?did=1&t=.....[NOTE: not complete URL]

with 'The page cannot be displayed message' ...

Note that this seems to be a localised hotmail issue as my yahoo email account is still accessible.

Does anyone have courses of actions that I should try to remedy this problem?



I have exactly the same problems! I have already try out all the remedies discribed on this forum! Whithout any results! What else can I do?

It's so strange...i can use messenger, i see my new mail announced by MSNToday but if i try to log in my hotmailaccount (i enter username/password) at www.hotmail.com I get the message 'The page cannot be displayed'. It is a valid account which I have been using for years.

So. I know i have mail, but i can reach my mail, i have to read urgently!




I'm new to the forum and I've tried everything including changing MTU, using firefox, using the hotmail fixer....all to no avail. I have some really important email in there but I cannot read it since I cannot log in. Like Piep, my MSN works and so does the MSNToday. Even other people can log in to their email on my computer. Would it possibly be a problem with my account on the Hotmail server, and if so, is there any way to fix it? Thanks

I have this exact same problem! I'm logged in to msn, I can use the messenger and trillian, but when I click on Hotmail, IE just closes and Firefox say "A time out occurred". I've tried the suggestions in this thread with no success. What can we do?

I also have the same problems as the other users above, have tried to access my hotmail account for the last two days with no luck.. I have a few important messages waiting and unable to enter. Have held this email address and password for the last four years! Have tried all of the above, no luck either.

I also have the same problems as the other users above, have tried to access my hotmail account for the last two days with no luck.. I have a few important messages waiting and unable to enter. Have held this email address and password for the last four years! Have tried all of the above, no luck either.

same thing happening here in England with MSN showing mail to read but no access to Inbox

same problem when I tried at the local library

wife and daughters accounts work fine on home computer so I assume nothing wrong here but hotmail servers are causing problem


My wife has the same problem........everything is okay BUT we can't even access the hotmail website....we could until yesterday morning but couldn't log in now we can't even get that far. This is on her laptop and my main computer.............I asked my father to try and log from his at a different address...he could get onto the site but couldn't log in. this is very frustrating as we have ebay auctions running on this email address and can't access it....any ideas anyone?

Hello, I am currently experiencing hotmail login problems. These problems occurred 5 days ago and I have tried over and over again but I still have these problems even if I use a different computer. Can this problem be corrected soon?


I see, I'm not the only one with the same hotmail troubles. So far I didn't find any solution. My problems started Fridaymorning, it seems to me that the other reactions here are from around the same time. I have immediatly e-mailed hotmail to check out if it is caused by an internal problem. Untill now I didn't receive an answer. Someone told me, it can take a week before i can expect a reply (for usersaccounts without payment). Any people in trouble with a payed account? In that case, please send a mail to the hotmailoffice, maybe payed members wil get a quicker answer, and can inform us!

Companion in misfortune,

PS: Use the MSN Today function of your messenger to see the addressees of your new mail. Use another account to send them an message: inform them about your temporarely inaccessibility of hotmail and ask them to send their mail again to another account in the meantime.

PS: It is still possible to change your password and user information of your account

O It seem that there is quite a lot of people got the same problem. Me too I have try quite a few methods, e.g using mac, login in my hotmail account in my office so on and there is still no way I can go into my account. I have send a email to them about this problem, and they have send me a reply, but I can't read it because they have send it in my hotmail address. :evil: So I have send in the question again. I hope they better fix it quick. I got some important email I need to reply. :cry:

To all members who have posted their own questions on top of the question first asked by the member who originally started this thread:

In accordance with our posting rules, we ask that members not tag their questions on to a thread previously started by another member (regardless of how similar your problem might seem). Not only does it divert the focus of the thread away from the original poster's problem, but it also makes it less likely that you yourself will get the individual attention that you need.

Please start your own threads and post your questions there. When you do, please try to give us as much specific info as possible regarding the problem (exact error messages, system specs, etc.).

For a full description of our posting guidelines and general rules of conduct, please see this page:


Thanks for understanding.

Ok my MSN messenger(version 7.0) functions greatly,but hotmail webmail not.I can't read my mail and:
Privacy and Security Setting are default settings in IE;
Firewall doesn't block any operation;
Internet cache are empty,and so IE temporary files;

So what the hell is goin' on?
Someone have any idea??

So what the hell is goin' on?


Yes- I know exactly what's going on:

People are not reading my post directly above yours concerning piggybacking their questions on to a thread started by another member. :eek: :rolleyes:

The member who originally started this thread has found and posted an answer to their particular problem in this other thread they started.

Given that, this thread is redundant and has been closed.

If the member who originally started this thread wishes to have the thread reopened, please send your request, including a link to this thread, to one of our moderators via email or Private Message.

In accordance with our posting rules, other members having similar problems should start their own threads and post their questions there. In order to help us help you most quickly, please include as much information about your problem as possible in your posts.

hotmail login problem brought me to daniweb and hey, this is a cool mastermind.

Kudos to whoever thought this up!

Try this:


clear your internet cache, and your cookies and then, restart your browser. Then try to login again.

Thank you nanosani, for saving me from losing my mind. I have tried everything known to me in the "computer" world until i tried your solution and just like that, bingo! i was able to login to my hotmail account.

I was beginning to think of going to "impound" a new computer :lol:

hotmail login problem brought me to daniweb and hey, this is a cool mastermind.

Kudos to whoever thought this up!

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