Hello everyone....
Thanks for taking the time to read this post......I downloaded this program from the weather channel that is supposed to give you the weather report that co-insides with the zip code you enter....complete with radar. Something happened during the download/install and now I get an error reading cannot find install.log. This is driving me nuts. the thing pops up every time I start up my brand new
HP G70-467CL Notebook PC. I'm running a 2.1 dual core Pentium processor, with 4 Gig of RAM. After clicking a few times for the window to shut down it finally does..... but there must be some way to remove this from the start-up line up....forgive me I'm a novice with this stuff. Tell me how and I'll do it.....but I don't fool with this stuff enough to remember how I did it last time. Is it Me? Vista? or The Weather Channel Program? it worked great on my XP laptop from Dell....but this HP with Vista.......makes me wish I never heard of the weather channel. HELP

To access start-up items click on the windows icon, click on Run or type run in the search bar (you can also press windows key+R). Once the run box is opened type msconfig. A window should open click on the start up tab and deselect the weather program and click OK.

This won't get that weather program working though. Try uninstalling it and re downloading the installation file and reinstall the weather app.

- Let us know how it goes.

(You may have to run the installation as an administrator).

Ok thanks....I'll give that a try and see what happens. I will check back and let you know. Namroch

It worked!!!! Thank you very much. It's like magic... Now can you make it stop raining??? LOL. Thanks again. Namroch

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