I have just completed a clean install of XP Pro V2002 with SP3 and all updates on my PC but my mouse is now over sensitive. When I click on anything it may be a double or triple click. When I try to select a file it may open that file and then the next and the next as well. When I click a check box the check mark will go and come back and go and come back again for a single click. Is there any way to desensitize a mouse?
Thank you in advance for your assistance.

using the mouse settings in control panel, you can turn down the double click speed ,and the pointer speed

using the mouse settings in control panel, you can turn down the double click speed ,and the pointer speed

Hi, Yes, but you can not reduce the sensitivity of the mouse. I need to reduce it not the speed or the double click speed. Thanks anyway.

Hi, Yes, but you can not reduce the sensitivity of the mouse. I need to reduce it not the speed or the double click speed. Thanks anyway.

same thing in my opinion !is it a usb or ps/2 mouse is it optical or old ball type ,is it wired or wireless.

explain this comment in you first post "When I click on anything it may be a double or triple click"

Have you tried another mouse? It sounds more like the mouse as oppose to the OS.

Hi all,
I have used the same mouse with the same PC before I formatted and did a clean install. I have tried a PS2 and a USB mouse not a wireless. All mice connected to the PC give the same result. When I attempt a single left click, it results in a double or triple click and the PC acts accordingly. it may close two or three levels of open files when i try to close only one. If I try to put or remove a check mark in a square on a form it will come and go several times. i must keep trying till is is an odd number of clicks and either puts it in or takes it out as I wanted. I have reinstalled windows again, and still have the same result. I have 20 mice some USB and some PS2 and all are the same. I have never had this problem before with any of my 20 other computers. (I own an internet cafe) The only thing I can think it could be is a virus in the slipstreemed (from SP2 to SP3) OS disk, but I have run many different virus, malware, spyware, everyotherware checks and can find no problem with the clean install or the disk.

Hi there,

You are having a very naughty rat there.

Control panel > mouse > device settings or hardware >
There will be the a GUI for the touchpad or mouse driver..If there is none skip that process.

Next step is to reinstall the mouse driver.

Device manager > mouse and other pointing devices > uninstall > restart the computer.

A system restore would be advised as well.

If you have reformatted the computer and its still the same try to update your BIOS.

I'd buy the virus theory - or the wrong driver in the splipstream disk. Anti-malwarebytes would flush this out. When you're sure there's no virus issue, a reload of drivers would remove suspicion of a corruption there.

Have youy tried the slipstream disk on at least one more of your cafe PCs to see if you can rexcreate the problem?

Good point on the install of OS on another PC I try and see what happens.
Another thing I forgot to mention about the "Rat" it sometimes "soot" up to the left top of the screen for no reason. I will try to uninstall the mouse driver through the device manager. I have not upgraded the BIOS but I did remove and replace the battery to clean the BIOS.

If not the virus theory (because I've just registered what you said in your first post about the clean install & slipstream) the (much as I hate to say it) jccaldz may have given you the right advice.

Looking back in my own notes from the past, two issues came into view:

The jumping mouse was due to a sh*t mouse mat that interfered with the optical sensing of the mouse. This is prolly not your problem because of the other issues.

It was W2K not XP when my other issue arouse with the mouse behavuing erratically - like a bounce on double click (or in myb case single click which is the setting I have always used). I downloaded a driver specific to my mouse and the problem went away.

Ther is also the Microsoft article to conside: KB 321122

Hi all,
It seems that there was a "Rat" in the mouses old installation files. Uninstalling the driver and allowing windows to reinstall it on reboot has fixed the problem. Thank you all for your assistance and I am sure I will be asking for more aid in the future. No matter how well you maintain your PC, windows has a way of coming up with a problem that is difficult to repair.

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