Hi there.

my mum has a Fujitsu-Siemens laptop with Vista Business installed. Now, she did a computer course and everything was carried out on XP.

At this stage she couldnt handle the step-up just yet and so I was wondering how I would save the current installation of Vista, as I am sure she will make the step up at some stage, and then be able to install XP fresh in the knowledge that I can upgrade to Vista eventually?

Unfortunately I bought this laptop from a friend who has no longer got the installation disks (prob lost or something). I have an XP installation disk which is not used which I can use.

I hope this makes sense.

If you want downgrade you have two options:
1. Have dual boot - 1 for your existing Vista and second for XP. I your laptop came with a single harddisk with a single partiotion, you will have to shrink the Vista partition and make space for the second partition for XP.
2. Format the drive and do a clean install for XP. You would need the Laptop restore CD/DVDs if you want your Vista back in the future.
(I assume you have taken backups of your data for either option).

Check out this link that provides all the information: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/install-windows-xp-on-your-pre-installed-windows-vista-computer/

Should you have any problems, let me know.

-Moiz Tankiwala

One thing to remember though, it's not having an XP disk that is important, it's having a valid and legal serial number for it.

check to make sure you are going to be able to get windows xp drivers for the devices in the laptop before you go to far !

Yes I have a valid and legal serial number. Never actually thought about the drivers part but too late now, have XP installed but am having a problem booting into XP.

I am getting an error regarding ntldr:

Windows Boot Manager has experienced a problem.
File: \ntldr
Status: 0xc000000f
Info: The selected entry couldn't be loaded because the application is missing or corrupt.

I have often thought of downgrading myself. but I keep hearing that I won't be able to find the drivers necessary to run the hardware in my Vista native system.

I have often thought of downgrading myself. but I keep hearing that I won't be able to find the drivers necessary to run the hardware in my Vista native system.

check web sites of the makers of your hardware. if you own a major brand computer like Compaq/HP/Dell or what ever ,do a search with the service tag /model # for winxp drivers

The only things I needed to find drivers for where ethernet car, wireless card, sound and monitor as well. Got em all from the Fujitsu-Siemens website. All working a treat

Vista was a rubbish version..I gave it a try and my god!! I came back to XP just after some 3-4 hrs of juggling.

Vista was a rubbish version..I gave it a try and my god!! I came back to XP just after some 3-4 hrs of juggling.

i know you only posted to post your signature links ,but 3-4 hrs is not enough time to judge any OS

check to make sure you are going to be able to get windows xp drivers for the devices in the laptop before you go to far !

VERY SMART caperjack,
I have aHP VISTA only Laptop. No drivers on their site and anywhere else and HP tells you that it is a VISTA only OS PC. But then came Win 7.
I wanted to return it until I installed Windows 7. I am an XP lover. I hate the way VISTA had the menue but I lived with it Win 7 on the other hand took my CLASSIC FOLDERS AND MENUS. (Down with BILL GATES)

Win 7 on the other hand took my CLASSIC FOLDERS AND MENUS. (Down with BILL GATES)

i never used Vista ,coming to win7 from winxp .anf i don't mind the way the folders work , i put a shortcut to mydocuments & mycomputer and on the desktop ,now for menus ,if you click on organize and go layout you can get the original menu

I have aHP VISTA only Laptop. No drivers on their site and anywhere else and HP tells you that it is a VISTA only OS PC. (Down with BILL GATES)

It sounds like you should have the complaint with HP and not Microsoft. Most people love 7, and I am slowly getting there.

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