I just bought a used computer and can't get online. it seems that it is connecting at 10 mpbs but when I click on internet explorer it says cannot connect. When I first log onto the computer in the lower right hand computer a bubble comes up and says

"offline files - working offline - you are no longer connected to the computes on the network. you can continue working normally"

does this mean it is looking for a network? I did buy it used from a company.

what can I do to use it at home to connect to the internet explorer???? please help

Use the repair function when you click on the connexion icon. That's the first step. You could also go to the CMD console and type IPCONFIG /ALL and provide the results back to us.

It may well be about settings.

I assume you're trying to connect via a working router.

If you bought it "used, from a company", do you mean that it was previously in an office environment? It might be set up to connect to a domain, which you are not part of.

Right click My Computer | Properties | Computer Name tab. Is it part of a domain or a Workgroup?

If you bought it "used, from a company", do you mean that it was previously in an office environment? It might be set up to connect to a domain, which you are not part of.

Right click My Computer | Properties | Computer Name tab. Is it part of a domain or a Workgroup?

Good suggestion.

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