Hey everyone, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
Listen, we have OUTLOOK 2003, and Word/Excel '97. This is the way the company needed to have it because of the server application. Anyway, I was running smoothly until Word and Excel were giving me problems. I tried reinstalling wrod and excel '97. They run good for now but my outlook is not happy. It lets me receive mail, but won't let me send mail. Anybody have any ideas?
I know it can't be because I reinstalled word and excel. What else could it be?

did you check the settings in outlook and make sure the outgoing mail is setup correctly ,
should be something like this ,in outlook ,tools /accounts /properties /servers,and make sure the outgoing mail server is entered correctly !

Yeah, everything was working fine. I had to reinstall word and excel 97 which pissed off my Outlook 2003.

I got it resolved by reinstalling/repairing outlook2003. Now it seems to like me again.

Thanks again

Yup, you see thats the problem with Microsoft, they should be smart and install the files for each version of Office in a different folder. For example C:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office 2003/ ect.... Because what happens is a DLL file or something may get replaced without you knowing about it, or a registry entry could go array. If they were installed in seperate folders / and by different registry values then the problem would easily be resolved because there would be no file conflicts.

How do you back up Outlook 2003 Contacts so to have an external back to transfer contacts to another computer

There might be a import export function on the top toolbar ,in File and then export ,and choose contacts like in outlook express ,i only have outlok 2000 and express..or you can do a search for the file its stored in the file format for contacts is WAB ,so so a search for *.WAB and copy it to a floppy or what ever to take it to a nother computer and then open out look and do a import and take it from the floppy or what ever media you use .

Unable to open links from Outlook 2003. When i clink on a link in a file, it opens a menu box.When i placed my curso on the link, it says it is blocked. What do i do cause i can open the link when i sent it to another mail account on another system.

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