having this problem for first time. Keyboard keys not responding properly. Its not typing the wrong words. But actually opens up different windows with different keys. Like with "R" it will open "RUN" command dilog box and with "F" opens SEARCH. And then suddenly START will flash and keyboard will work properly.

Can anyone please address this problem as its very irritating.
I havent tried uninstalling and rebooting the Comp.

Sounds like you have been attacked by a virus. Get a house call virus checker and download an anti-malware and check out your PC fully.
If you are still having the same problem after that, change your keyboard.

Thanks for the reply. i checked pc using Quick Heal anti-malware and detected two threats which i deleted but still the proble persists. so shall i get a new keyboard or reload the windows.

did you check for malware? Malware could be causing your problem, check that first. Then it is up to you. A new keyboard will cost a few $s but a windows repair will cost only time in downloading all the updates that have been released since your Cd was released.
If you have an old OS disk, now, might be the ideal time to look at slip-streaming it with SP3 before you do a windows repair. Check Google for instructions.

I would also check to make sure that one of your "windows" keys is not stuck. it is the key with the windows logo on it.

I would also check to make sure that one of your "windows" keys is not stuck. it is the key with the windows logo on it.

good one,was what i was going to suggest after reading first post, because using it with r and f will open both run and search

I would also check to make sure that one of your "windows" keys is not stuck. it is the key with the windows logo on it.

Why would the computer flash "START" and the keyboard work properly if it was a stuck key??

It could be a defective keyboard also. Just putting another idea on the table.

"It could be a defective keyboard also. Just putting another idea on the table. "

I have heard that b4 somewhere!!!

"If you are still having the same problem after that, change your keyboard."

"a new keyboard will cost a few $s"

Oh! That's right, I said it earlier in this thread.


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