How can I write in Temporary Internet Files Folder ... it seems to be read only and I cant make it writable.

How can I write in Temporary Internet Files Folder ... it seems to be read only and I cant make it writable.

write what ,it is set to read only have you unchecked that ,in the folders properties.

I saved some web pages which only play properly when their files are in temp internet files folder ... so whenever I empty the folder I have to get online again to play the web pages. So thats why I copied the files in another folder but they cant be re written again to the temp folder. How can I overcome that ?

I saved some web pages which only play properly when their files are in temp internet files folder ... so whenever I empty the folder I have to get online again to play the web pages. So thats why I copied the files in another folder but they cant be re written again to the temp folder. How can I overcome that ?

not sure actually

What errors do you get when copying the files back? The folder has to have write capability, otherwise IE couldn't write to it.

This is the thing I've been thinking about ... but I dont get any permissions tab in the folder properties. And whenever I uncheck read-only .. press ok and then open the dialog again .. its checked again.

I tried copying to temporary internet files folder of another OS when it wasnt active ... but got an empty folder when booted to that OS. So no success yet.

I just tried to copy a file to mine and i don't get the past option in my right click
.also cant change the read only either .

I also wish to unset readonly of "Temporary Internet files" but couldnt do it. I think there is some registry entries governing it.

That foldername is reserved by Windows. It automatically empties itself when you close the browser.

But you can easily get around the need for the web files to be in that directory, unless they have scripts.

First, have you tried the "save page as" selection when you right mouse on the page? That lets you put it anywhere you want it.

If that doesn't work, it's probably because the webmaster used trickery to copy-protect it. Try moving the "(webpagename).html" file and the "(webpagename) files" folder from the Tempory Internet Files folder into the folder you want. Put both in the same folder.

If that doesn't work, you will have to edit the img and a tags in the web page html file to reflect where the stuff really is. You may also have to capture and save the images separately.

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