I currently have updated antivirus on my system and I'm not very satisfied with it. Most of the time my computer freezes. Is there any other utility to solve this problem?

Well, what type of antivirus system are you using? Maybe that's the problem.

Also, what version of Windows?

If anything, you could just try cleaning up your computer some, and also defragmenting it. That helps clear some stuff up.

I am using windows XP service pack3 edition with 2 GB RAM and have dual core processor. My PC configuration is good dear. No issue. Even I have already used defragmentation, updated my antivirus norton 2009 yet my PC is very slow. I have used various strategies. I don't know what to do as i can't install windows again and again.

Member Avatar for kiamzattu

Well there is no single cure all for this computer freezing. It could be due to a variety of reasons. Try ccleaner. It helps to clear unwanted hard disk usage and registry entries. But back up your system before making any changes to registry. Try uninstalling unwanted applications and shut off unimportant windows services.Since you are using XP check this out for great optimization tips

you can use antivirus mcafee and utility is up to you

I am using windows XP service pack3 edition with 2 GB RAM and have dual core processor. My PC configuration is good dear. No issue. Even I have already used defragmentation, updated my antivirus norton 2009 yet my PC is very slow. I have used various strategies. I don't know what to do as i can't install windows again and again.

Hi shawn_michael,

This is Mike from the Norton Authorized Support Team.

Computer freezes can be due to a variety of factors including disk problems, software conflicts and threats. If you have not already done so, I would strongly suggest that you run the Windows Check Disk command 2-3 times to make sure that your hard drive is not failing.

Are you sure that you are using Norton AntiVirus or are you possibly using Norton Internet Security? Please check this and let me know. You should also check your computer to make sure that there are no other third-party, real-time security applications running, as you never want to have more than one real-time security package installed or you will experience software conflicts which can leave your system vulnerable to threats. Norton Internet Security also contains the Norton Firewall component and if by chance you are using this application, you need to make sure that the Windows Firewall is disabled, as you never want to have more than one Firewall running at the same time.

Lastly, I did want to let you know that one of the advantages of having a subscription to a Norton product is that you are entitled to free product updates for the life of your subscription. The 2010 version of Norton AntiVirus and Norton Internet Security have recently been released and I strongly encourage you to upgrade to the new version and to then run a "Full System Scan" to check for infections. Once you verify if you are using Norton AntiVirus or Internet Security, simply click on the link below to visit the Norton Update Center to update to the latest version.

Norton Update Center

Thank you,

I currently have updated antivirus on my system and I'm not very satisfied with it. Most of the time my computer freezes. Is there any other utility to solve this problem?

Try Microsoft Security Essentials.

Here's a review.

Use the Norton removal Tool to uninstall your Norton 2009 first.

I've been using MSE since it's beta version and it's worked great for me so far. The price is right too. ;^)

hi from phillipines,
try this utility software "tune up utilities 2009" it repair all software problem to your PC

Hi from Davao Philippines,
"It will repair all software problems".... I don't think so...maybe 1 in 1000 problems.

I currently have updated antivirus on my system and I'm not very satisfied with it. Most of the time my computer freezes. Is there any other utility to solve this problem?

There are many factors that will cause a PC to freeze.
There's really no utility that will prevent a PC from freezing.
You should provide more info about your PC as to when it freezes, any error messages, so it can be determined what the actual cause is, so that can be remedied.
Look in the "Event Viewer" for any related errors and provide as much info as possible.

Install Ad-aware and a antimalware software, also Tune up utilities may help you.

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