I have got a problem trying to boot up an xp machine. I get the following message but does not matter what I choose it just goes back to the same thing

We apologize for the inconvience, but Windows did not start sucessfully. A recent hardware or software change might have caused this.

If your computer stopped responding, restarted unexpectally or was shut down choose last known configuration:

choices are:

safe mode
safe mode with networking
safe mode with command prompt
last known configuration
start normally

I dont have an xp start up disc as it was on the pc when I bought it so cant do that (as suggested in a previous posting) The pc has not been used for about 3 weeks now and was fine the last time it was used.

Can anyone help???!


What happens when you choose to start normally?


Not alot - it just sits on the XP welcome window

What happens when you choose to start normally?


Try to post in orignal post as it makes it easy to follow what was already suggested you try doing to fix problem .
? Hitting F8 on bootup and picking last good configuration didn't make and difference ,

You need to do a clean install.

You could download a 98 or earlier startup disc form the internet (save to a floppy) Boot to the floppy, load your cd drivers, then boot to your xp cd. If that doesnt work, you may need to reformat and start from scratch


Does anyone have anyideas at all on this?

Does anyone have anyideas at all on this?

Whats wrong with the solutions that were given to you??


Try unplugging the network card if it's got one.

Turn on computer while holding down F10 until the restore wizrd comes up and then do just as it says.
Thanks Hope

get the startup disks on floppy and when installing windows press r for repair.

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