I have a windows xp machine that reboot whenever it gets past the starting windows xp logo. I have tried running chkdsk /r but with no success. Can anyone help me with this.

Can you start your computer in safe mode ??

No it does not boot in safe mode.

No Safe Mode, eh? Not good.

Can you go back to "Last known good configuration"?

i've tried last know good configureration too but it still restarts. But i have put the hard drive in another machine as the slave drive and i can see the files on it, so i think i will just backup the files and reformat.

Try repairing windows from the windows cd...

Try repairing windows from the windows cd...

Yes, that would be the next step before reformatting. Even if you go that route, you should still back up your data first.

If reformatting isn't a big deal though, you might just want to do that; the Windows "repair" process is far from perfect.

I tried running Fixboot and Fix /mbr and chkdsk /r from the Windows XP CD and it still failed. This morning i backed up the files and reformatted the hard drive and now it is working fine. Thanks for the advice folks.

I tried running Fixboot and Fix /mbr and chkdsk /r from the Windows XP CD and it still failed. This morning i backed up the files and reformatted the hard drive and now it is working fine. Thanks for the advice folks.

I have the same problem. What is the best way to back up your files before reformatting. I am very unfamiliar on how to do that and what files need backing up.


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