I copied some photo's onto a media drive from my pc, now i have to give the media drive back i can not put the photo's back onto my pc. I have tried copy and paste, cut and paste and send to new folder nothing seems to work any ideas ?

any error shown on the screen?

I think more info will be helpful to help you. Like error message or what media drive you are using, is it DVD RW, CD RW or some optical drive media.

The media player i am using is an imoega optical media drive. The photo's are in jpeg and the error message i get is "make sure the disc is not full or write-protected" when i try cut or copy and paste, when i try to burn it to a disc it says "unable to open to read or burn" and when i try to import them in Adobe light room i get the message " file access denied"

sounds like the file is corrupt ,maybe you removed the device with out first shutting it down

Get the media drive back if possible because when you copy you may use the Iomega software to copy and may have protected the file by accident. The only option is to use the exact model of the drive and software. One possibility is that the file maybe corrupt. So you may need to download file recovery software to get your file back. Recuva software come to my mind when doing just that.

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