How do I get a Tool Bar in Vista, the same as XP., with Tools, cut paste ect?

Where would you like that tool bar....I could offer a suggestion but I will not...

Where do you want this toolbar? IE? Windows Explorer?
Rt-click any file to get these functions.

How do I get a Tool Bar in Vista, the same as XP., with Tools, cut paste ect?

Hi, for windows explorer , click on organize ,go to layout and click on menu bar,thats the best you will get compared to when you use customize in winxp

if it Internet explorer , right click on a empty spot in the top tool bar ,and unlock tool bar ,then right click again and chose customize ,then click add and remove components ,add the ones you want and close it , they will appear next to the home icon and stuff on the right side of browser ,if you can see them drag the toolbar to the left . then lock toolbar again

How do I get a Tool Bar in Vista, the same as XP., with Tools, cut paste ect?

Sounds like you are after the MenuBar, correct?

In Vista (and Win7), the MenuBar is still there, but hidden by default. Hitting the Alt key will unhide it when you need it... applies to both Windows Explorer and IE

Sounds like you are after the MenuBar, correct?

In Vista (and Win7), the MenuBar is still there, but hidden by default. Hitting the Alt key will unhide it when you need it... applies to both Windows Explorer and IE

Yes and as soon as you click another portion of the viewed window, it hides again.
To permanently show the menu bar in Vista and Win7, with a window open, click on "Organize" and from the drop down hover over "Layout" and then select/click on "Menu Bar"

Too true - either option works. Jst bear in mind that the reason MS is tucking the MenuBar further and further out of site, is largely thought to be a sign that MS will do away with the MenuBar altogether by Win8

and the original post is missing out on all our info !

Well i don't have any information for it. I think you need to go for google. I hope that you 'll find some best results from google.

If you mean for Explorer (the file manager) just check "aslways show menus" under tools-> folder options

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