Cannot reboot my other computer do to this message, what can I download, what can I down load to over come this condition in my other computer. i NEED STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTION.

Cannot reboot my other computer do to this message, what can I download, what can I down load to over come this condition in my other computer. i NEED STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTION.

hi, you really need to give us a little more info than that ,must be more to the error ,is it the dreaded blue screen of death error screen you see

also you use the word reboot ,it can have double meaning .do you mean you shut it down and not it will not boot back up ,or do you mean it boots ,but if you try to use the restart /reboot option in start ,it will not reboot

hi,as Caperjack commented give more info so guys around here will have a clear picture of your problem.. anyway you can check out this site from MS.. it might help ...

hi,as Caperjack commented give more info so guys around here will have a clear picture of your problem.. anyway you can check out this site from MS.. it might help ...

i was going to post that link to ,but wanted to here more from poster first .lol

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