I have Windows XP and Windows7 networked fine. My problem is when I ping the WindowsXP machine from Windows7 I get "request time out", yet they can share files back and forth.

It doesn't make sense.

It doesn't make sense.

your right it doesn't ,but to the best of my knowledge ,ping is a network troubleshooting command to use to see if you can connect to a network ,has no other purpose ,i don't think, so yours' is working ,just not pinging ,so no harm no foul,
maybe a firewall issue .you could disable firewall just to try a ping

I have Windows XP and Windows7 networked fine. My problem is when I ping the WindowsXP machine from Windows7 I get "request time out", yet they can share files back and forth.

It doesn't make sense.

By default, Windows firewall will suppress icmp packets, which is what ping uses. If you want to be able to ping, you will need to go into the firewall settings and check the box that allows response to icmp packets on both systems.

I have a firewall but not Windows Firewall, a third party firewall program. That is what is probably blocking the PING command. Although when I disabled the firewall completely and ran PING from Windows7 I got this error, PING: Transmit Failure, General Failure.

I have a firewall but not Windows Firewall, a third party firewall program. That is what is probably blocking the PING command. Although when I disabled the firewall completely and ran PING from Windows7 I got this error, PING: Transmit Failure, General Failure.

OK, first, make sure that the Windows firewall is indeed disabled and make sure that the firewall is disabled also on the xp system. Then I'd try the following on both systems to see where they are failing:

ping yourself: ping <youripaddress>
ping loopback: ping

if both of these come back OK, then ping the gateway device, found when you do an ipconfig command.

That's how I'd troubleshoot.

I've re-configured the firewall, and I got PING to work for both WindowsXP and Windows7. The main culprit was the third party firewall program I was running was blocking the command/port.

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