I have been trying to use my MSI EX623 Notebook's inbuilt mic. with nil results. It does not appear as an option in the Control Panel > Sound folder of Windows 7. I have been using a Logitech external microphone but prefer to use the one that came with the notebook.
Any advice would be appreciated

did you check device manager to see if its there and if drivers are needed ,are you sure its really one, not owing a msi i have no idea of knowing even where its located on the laptop, no built in mics' on any of my laptops
just read a few reviews and specs on your laptop and none show it having a built in mic ,just mic in jack

did you check device manager to see if its there and if drivers are needed ,are you sure its really one, not owing a msi i have no idea of knowing even where its located on the laptop, no built in mics' on any of my laptops
just read a few reviews and specs on your laptop and none show it having a built in mic ,just mic in jack

Yes I know its got a mic. as it is in the lid and marked MIC plus I was using it until MSI installed W7 then a lot of things did not work. To understand I was trying to upgrade from Vista and found the notebook needed a lot of upgrading to accept W7. So, what if I have lost the drivers for this mike what is the procedure? I am using a logitech external mic. but would like the portability of an internal one. I seem to have a language barrier when trying to get support from MSI. If I could speak Cantonese or Taiwanese that would help. Thanks for any help

It does not appear as an option in the Control Panel > Sound folder of Windows 7.

so it doesn't show in the sound/ recording tab

yeah you do have a intenal mic, just found this site ,and downloaded manual but found nothing of interest about the mic ,not sure what divers cover the mic im thinking maybe chipset drivers but not sure ,maybe you could contact MSI through link on site .

OK, I have the Mic. working on Voice Recognition but cannot be heard on Skype. I also checked the drivers and found they were updated BY MSI a few days ago. Problem is MSI is 156 km from me and there is THAT language barrier. I'll plod along and fiddle with the settings. Thanks

OK, I have the Mic. working on Voice Recognition but cannot be heard on Skype. I also checked the drivers and found they were updated BY MSI a few days ago. Problem is MSI is 156 km from me and there is THAT language barrier. I'll plod along and fiddle with the settings. Thanks

sorry i don't use skype ,good luck
just found this sound settings for Skype on Vista should be close, or the same even, in win7

I have an internal mic, and I use it for Skype. Perhaps I can help. :) Are you still having problems?

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