Hey guys...I have delayed asking this for too long but maybe its high time.

My UPS faced some problems and it would automatically close down. So, basically windows was shut down improperly. Now, the problem is that my computer wont run chkdsk and thereare lots of damaged files.

I tried the chkdsk /f command and it said that it would run chkdsk on system restart but chkdsk won't run.

Now, how do I repair all those damaged files. Do you guys know how can I run chkdsk?

one is to go:

my computer, rclick on the offending drive (usually C:\)
properties-tools-check my disk for problems
tick both boxes, hit OK.

it should say it will do it on a reboot... hit okokok.
reboot, go make a coffee.

If that no go, then something is wrong with chkdsk.

The same thing can be achieved by running the guided help thingee by microsoft, here:

If that is the case, then Tere be Drakons inst thy PC...

there is a good tutorial on this proceedure, plus making a bootable floppy for the job (you might be able to do this with a CD if you understand the command line they have used.) and also how to do it using a genuine winXP install disk+ recovery console.


hope it helps...

chdsk utility i am unable to understand why its not running this might be problem in your hardisk.or it may happen due to virus

Hey guys...I have delayed asking this for too long but maybe its high time.

My UPS faced some problems and it would automatically close down. So, basically windows was shut down improperly. Now, the problem is that my computer wont run chkdsk and thereare lots of damaged files.

I tried the chkdsk /f command and it said that it would run chkdsk on system restart but chkdsk won't run.

Now, how do I repair all those damaged files. Do you guys know how can I run chkdsk?

Try using The CHKDSK /r in recovery console it will definitely work fine

By the time I posted this quetsion..it was too late. I hadto get my computerformatted. Thanbks everyone r your replies though.

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