I apologize in advance if this isn't the right place to post this.
What started with an upgrade for my old Dell 1400 ended up being a total rebuild. New case, new motherboard ASRock N68-S w/ an AMD athlon II x2 240 2.8GHz and 2GB of Ram and a new video card Sapphire HD4350. I am using the old HDDs, a 20GB Maxtor and an 80GB Western.
My first problem was the lack of IDE ports, only 1 on the MB which I can understand why because of most things being SATA. To install XP I hooked up the DVD drive and the master HDD and was able to get the system running. I then used an IDE to SATA adapter to hook up second HDD and after trying different settings finally found it but XP wanted me to format it but that's where everything was backed up. So now I have both HDDs on the IDE and am trying to get the DVD burner to work with the SATA adapter and am having no luck. Think I can get this to work or do you think I would be better off getting a new sata dvd burner or a new and faster HDD?
If you are asking why I didn't just buy a new PC, I'm now asking myself the same question but it was a fun build for my 9yr. old son and I.

I apologize in advance if this isn't the right place to post this.
What started with an upgrade for my old Dell 1400 ended up being a total rebuild. New case, new motherboard ASRock N68-S w/ an AMD athlon II x2 240 2.8GHz and 2GB of Ram and a new video card Sapphire HD4350. I am using the old HDDs, a 20GB Maxtor and an 80GB Western.
My first problem was the lack of IDE ports, only 1 on the MB which I can understand why because of most things being SATA. To install XP I hooked up the DVD drive and the master HDD and was able to get the system running. I then used an IDE to SATA adapter to hook up second HDD and after trying different settings finally found it but XP wanted me to format it but that's where everything was backed up. So now I have both HDDs on the IDE and am trying to get the DVD burner to work with the SATA adapter and am having no luck. Think I can get this to work or do you think I would be better off getting a new sata dvd burner or a new and faster HDD?
If you are asking why I didn't just buy a new PC, I'm now asking myself the same question but it was a fun build for my 9yr. old son and I.

hi, it is fun to build ,the cheapest part of the build is the drives ,at least around here they are,about a 100$ for both .go for the new drives

In my searches to remedy the problem I have heard about issues with installing xp on sata drives. But if I hook up DVD with IDE to boot XP install and a SATA HDD I should be golden, right? Set it up in BIOS properly and I don't see a why I would have a problem. I'll post up later after I have time to pick up a new HDD.

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