Hello guys,

I just installed windows xp 32bit and windows 7 64 bit on my computer (different partitions drive C:\ & D:\ respectively). My questions are:

Do I have to install for example my Avast Anti Virus on each of the OS?

If i install a program for example CCleaner while on Windows XP, can Windows 7 access the program CCleaner?

Also, If I'm on windows 7.. I could install a program on drive C:\ which is where Windows XP is installed.. does that mean It is installed on Windows XP?

Thanks for the help guys.. pretty new in win7 & 64bits.

I appreciate all the help.


Hello guys,

I just installed windows xp 32bit and windows 7 64 bit on my computer (different partitions drive C:\ & D:\ respectively). My questions are:

Do I have to install for example my Avast Anti Virus on each of the OS?

If i install a program for example CCleaner while on Windows XP, can Windows 7 access the program CCleaner?

Also, If I'm on windows 7.. I could install a program on drive C:\ which is where Windows XP is installed.. does that mean It is installed on Windows XP?

Thanks for the help guys.. pretty new in win7 & 64bits.

I appreciate all the help.


You have to look at it as when you boot up to XP you are running XP and any program you want to run must be installed in XP to run in XP. The same with Windows 7. You can install a program on drive "D" when using drive "C" running XP but it will be installed in XP not 7 even though most of it is on 7's drive. The registration of the program is in XP not 7.
I will say it a different way, it is as though you have two drives and only one operating system every time you boot up. If you boot up XP, 7 only exists as a file on your system it is not Windows 7. When you boot up wit 7, XP is just a file and not a functioning system.
That said, you can install XP inside your Windows 7 program as a virtual XP mode. Go to Microsoft and read about it if you want.

I like Bob's answer but would also add that I have gone through hell getting xp 32 up to win7 64. In paqssing it is worth noting that win7 64 though very good cant see 32 uinless it is installed in the proper fashion and ends up in win 7/program x86 files and not just program files on the C drive.
I am increasinglyof the view that to move totally to win 7 64 is worthwhile (and buy or use an old computer for xp if you must.
If you install XP files to the proper place win 7 64 can be forced to run in compatibility mode andthat works!

thanks to bob i now understand how they work.. and thanks to Mj as well (^_^) glad you guys are around.

But Paragon Partition Manager and install Windows 7 then Windows XP then Windows VISTA (if you are too drunk to remember it is not as good as Win XP or Win 7) Lol You add a partition and install what you want but each partition is like a new PC and you MUST install all of your programs on each OS.

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