Please help! I am running Windows XP and IR 8 via a wireless connection. Just recently whenever I use a search engine (any search engine), I get a message that the page cannot be displayed. this also happens when I search with Firefox. I am connected and I can type in a web address without any problems. But I can't get anything when I search. I've updated all virus protections and scanned with both Symantec and Malwarebytes. Neither found anything. Any suggestions?

Do you have a good (and stable) wireless signal? Don't be fooled by the fact that you can get a page as it may be cached (stored on your computer). Navigating to pages you have not been to is the test!

Do you have a good (and stable) wireless signal? Don't be fooled by the fact that you can get a page as it may be cached (stored on your computer). Navigating to pages you have not been to is the test!

Thanks for the reply. I believe I have the problem resolved. It turned out that the host file was retaining information on all of the search engine sites. We went into the file and was able to delete the search engine references thereby eliminating the problem. I believe the problem originated with a malware virus the computer had some time ago.

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