Hi there,

I am part of a domain, and hate having to take my PC in to the IT all the time when I have a problem. The problem is when they image my PC, it deletes every thing of the C drive (system), but keeps everything on the Z drive (private) meaning I have to keep installing these programs again and again.

Is there a way I can create one? I am not worried about pricing, so I can pay the money.

Thank you in advanced.

I am not sure of your situation, but if you want to take an image of your machine when it is working with no apparent problems, you can use your own program. Acronis is a good program.
You can reset your machine to how it was when you took the image. That would include access to all your programs on your other drive.
You would need to update your image as you update your machine, Acronis has can update the image file on a preset time.

I don't understand what the description. the head line is different from description.

I don't understand what the description. the head line is different from description.

Well...I want to know how to create a windows reboot cd.

I am not sure of your situation, but if you want to take an image of your machine when it is working with no apparent problems, you can use your own program. Acronis is a good program.
You can reset your machine to how it was when you took the image. That would include access to all your programs on your other drive.
You would need to update your image as you update your machine, Acronis has can update the image file on a preset time.

Thanks, you were right on the money. Just a question, in your message at the bottom of your posts (the link), to make a bootable cd.
Is that one free? if so, is it as good as acronis?

It is a totally different setup to Acronis, Acronis is a single program with several functions, UBCD has over 100 different programs for repairing your computer. It is best used as a boot CD. That is to boot up your machine and then operate the programs without windows running. Even if you never have the need to use it, it is good just have in case. Go to the site and read all about it and yes it is free.
Another very good program, is any one of the slipstreaming products that will make a OS CD/DVD with all your drivers, product key, SP3 and updates and other information and create a new Windows XP OS disc. Google slipstreaming XP SP3.

EDIT...There are several drive cloning tools in UBCD.

Well...I want to know how to create a windows reboot cd.

usuall the term reboot windows ,simply means to shut off and reboot computer .
what you are looking to do is refered to as "reinstall" windows ,either from a windows install disk or an image created by you on a disk or drive !

A free alternative to Acronis is CloneZilla. I have been using it for quite a while and it works great. CloneZilla is a Linux based program you can boot from a CD or USB stick. The GUI is archaic, and there's a little bit of a learning curve for navigating through the menus, but once you figure it out it's really nice (especially for the price).

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