Hi: I am new to this. I have windows XP. I download a file and it will not open. When I double click on it, nothing happens. I use Mozilla Firefox as my browser.

If someone could help me with this, I would appreciate it.

A little more information is necessary for someone to help you. What type of file have you downloaded? You may need a program to open it but unless we know the type of file no one can assist you. What is the file extension: .exe, .jpg, .zip, .pdf? These are some of the possibilities.

Are you trying to open it from the FireFox downloads list?
Right click on the item in the list and select >Open In Containing Folder. Then double-click on the file and see if it will open.

As unitedwaykat said, we need more information in order to help.

Are you trying to open it from the FireFox downloads list?
Right click on the item in the list and select >Open In Containing Folder. Then double-click on the file and see if it will open.

As unitedwaykat said, we need more information in order to help.

The files that aren't downloading are pdf and ram files so far.

the download files that aren't working are pdf and ram files

A little more information is necessary for someone to help you. What type of file have you downloaded? You may need a program to open it but unless we know the type of file no one can assist you. What is the file extension: .exe, .jpg, .zip, .pdf? These are some of the possibilities.

The file extensions are pdf, ram and zip.

RAM files are "Real Audio Media" files and can be opened with Realplayer from Realplayer.com
PDF file are "Portable Document Files" from Adobe and will open with Adobe Reader available at get.adobe.com/reader and be sure to get the right version for your operating system.
Zip files can be opened with a free program, jzip 1.3 which is available at download.cnet.com Be very cautious opening zip files unless you know the sender well since they can be used to send virus etc.
If this solves these problems you may mark this thread solved. Good luck.

You need a PDF reading program to open PDF's. I use Foxit Reader because it's lightweight -- if you decide to install this then DO NOT install the Ask toolbar.
You need a program to view the RAM files. I prefer to completely avoid Real Media files, but if you must view them then you can download Real Media Player or Real Alternative.
You need a program to unzip the ZIP files. An easy to use free/open source app is PeaZip. As unitedwaykat mentioned -- be careful what you download, especially when it's a ZIP or EXE file.

You can get all of these programs from filehippo.com -- I've been using it for years.

RAM files are "Real Audio Media" files and can be opened with Realplayer from Realplayer.com
PDF file are "Portable Document Files" from Adobe and will open with Adobe Reader available at get.adobe.com/reader and be sure to get the right version for your operating system.
Zip files can be opened with a free program, jzip 1.3 which is available at download.cnet.com Be very cautious opening zip files unless you know the sender well since they can be used to send virus etc.
If this solves these problems you may mark this thread solved. Good luck.

Thank you so much for your help. I did what was said about right clicking on the files. I also downloaded adobe for the pdf files. I thought I installed it, but I guess I didn't. Thanks again.

I also have another issue. Was wondering why it takes my computer so long to load. Then it freezes on me at times.

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