ok this happen yesterday
when i put in the win xp installation cd and it booted and the it starts to load driver and check system and the stuff it does before showing me my hard disk. After that loads it shows the screen where it is suppose to show my hard disk partitoin and all. But the problem is it doesnt show any hard disk and says cant find disk or something like that(cant really remember because it was yesterday) and when i press some key it shows a blue screen and says
cannot load the file setupdd.sys
i have swap 3 xp discs already but the same thing.
i hav read in microsoft help and support that its bad ram but and other suggestion will be really appreciated. the system spec is
Pentium Dual Core 1.6ghz
512 of DDR2 ram at 400mhz
160gb of HDD
Asus p5vdm2-vm MB
no vga

I've had the same problem before and it ended up that it had a bad hard drive.

You can test the RAM using Memtest86 -- download and burn the ISO file to CD using imgBurn or another burning program.

You should be able to find a hard drive diagnostics program based on the brand of hard drive. Or you could burn a boot disc like UBCD or Hiren's -- both have hard drive tools on them.


I have Hiren's boot disc. Will try that.

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