Some of my users are experiencing the same problem. They will be in all different applications their machines will freeze and reboot. It's happening quite often in different locations. Any ideas or reported problems??

Did you do the usual..check for viruses, spyware? Scan disk?
Cleanup temp internet files and folders..also defrag.

Have you deffraged lately? You might want to try doing disk cleanup and defrag and see if that helps. Also check for spyware infection.

Thank you everyone! I defrag on a regular basis. I did download MSN's spyware and restored from an earlier date. Everything is working fine now.

Thank you everyone! I defrag on a regular basis. I did download MSN's spyware and restored from an earlier date. Everything is working fine now.

I'm glad to hear that everything is working fine now. If you defrag regularly, you might want to consider a third party defrag program. They can be scheduled to run in the background and you don't have to worry about forgetting to run it.

what program do you suggest?

I'm not trying to plug this company, but Diskeeper works brilliantly. I run it on my own system at home.

They are the number one defrag software company. Thousands of companies and home users use their product.

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